RiverBend Ag in the Classroom is here to help teachers integrate agriculture into science and social studies learning. Students can learn about agriculture’s role in Iowa’s history through creative lessons, hands-on projects, and programs that use technology. We love sharing where our food comes from, conservation, and how technology continues to impact agriculture in our state. We hope to inspire teachers to spark students’ curiosity and wonder about agriculture!


Our Program is designed to serve as a local resource for educators who want to teach about agriculture. Iowa is a leading producer of agricultural products and yet only 2% of Americans live on a farm and as consumers and producers we are working to lessen the gap through hands-on activities. Agriculture is a great way to provide real-world examples that meet science and social studies standards.
Agriculture in the Classroom has been a cornerstone program of Scott County Farm Bureau for more than 30 years. Our community outreach leans on the support of our local farmers and industry professionals to host virtual FarmChats, Farm Days in the Village, Iowa Barn activities at the Mississippi Valley Fair, Summer Ag STEM kits, and local STEM Fests.


Ms. Venhorst
My fourth graders eagerly look forward to their Agriculture in the Classroom lesson each visit. Every lesson engages students in thoughtful discussions, hands-on activities, and teaches them the importance of agriculture and how
it connects to their daily lives. These lessons are high interest and fit perfectly with our social studies and science curriculum. They
are taught by teachers who are passionate and knowledgeable. Students become so excited to share their thoughts and experiences
with agriculture since our community is
filled with parents who work in that field. We are so fortunate to have this opportunity
and appreciate the time and effort
put into these visits.
North Scott School District

Mrs. Duncan
I have used Ag in the classroom for two years in a row. It is wonderful when aligning the Iowa Core with hands-on science activities that incorporate agriculture into the lessons. The kids really enjoyed lessons dealing with the soil, the earth, as well as hatching baby chicks. I highly encourage teachers to take advantage of this wonderful program, that helps educate teachers and also bring agriculture into the classroom.
North Scott School District

3rd Grade Teacher
I think it was awesome information presented in a way that the kids could connect and understand.